Monday, September 8, 2014

“Make the most of your time...........When we fail to operate in what God has given us we become stagnate which is to cease developing; become inactive or dull,…… bitter, jealous and just plan unfruitful. We were designed to work be creative. When we are not doing the work of the Lord we become idle and ineffective”- Pearle

This past Wednesday I spoke to the young adults for the first time at my new place of fellowship. It had been about 3-4yrs since I have spoken on something other than praise and worship. I was called as a preacher in my early teens but did not answer until I was 18. It was awesome to share what God had been speaking to me and is still speaking to me. I just wanted to share in my blog with everyone. I find that is still developing and I am being challenged everyday by it and in this blog I added a lil of what is being said.……The word the Lord had given to me was “Make the Most of your Time”.
Ephesians 5:15-17 says
Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
God’s desire is that we all make the most of what He has called us to, but we can’t do anything until we start doing something. For some of us we know exactly what God has called us to do. Some still maybe seeking the Lord, but I guarantee it is already in you. God is not just calling His people to be preachers, singers or anything else that may be in the front. For many of us our dreams goals visions calling all look different. It could be anything from athlete to pastor but the main purpose of all of them should be to glorify God. Whatever we have been given to do we have to be disciplined stewards. We must make the most of our time here on Earth. His desired is that His light shines through us so the world may know who He is. Our gifts and our talents are not just for us but for others. Whatever God has called you gifted and anointed you to do is first to His glory and for kingdom building. We are called to be world changers. The world is hungry for something but it is not sure, but we have been given an opportunity to impact this earth by showing people Jesus.

Many of us have dreams and visions that we have given up on or figure because someone else looks like they can do it better or it’s just not working out so it must not be the will of God. The dreams and desires that we have, that are in line with God’s word, are not by given to us by accident. Sure sometimes they seem too big or too much, but that’s ok it’s not too big for God to fulfill. Personally I am being challenged in my faith walk in this area of giving up too soon on what I know God has placed in me to do. I figure I’d just take the backseat because clearly if it were God’s plan for me I would have already been doing it and I am doing too much so maybe I just need to “wait on the Lord” and stop pursuing the vision. I realized it’s nothing but a distraction and the laziness of my flesh and sometimes the enemy of our soul. Giving up is easy it takes no effort, but it will take everything from you.

1Timothy 4:14 Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you.
Some of you may literally have had the words of prophecy spoken over you, things that were confirmed because you know God spoke it. It is not entirely up to us to figure out how it is going to be fulfilled. But know Number 23:14 says
God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good.
Here’s another verse for encouragement sake.
Isaiah 55:11
So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.

When we fail to operate in what God has given us we become stagnate which is to cease developing; become inactive or dull,…… bitter, jealous and just plan unfruitful. We were designed to work be creative. When we are not doing the work of the Lord we become idle and ineffective.

When we fail to operate in God’s will for our lives we not only deprive ourselves but we deprive others. When operate or spend our time being unfruitful we cannot be effective and we can’t be spiritually healthy. You’re just occupying space. The children of God are supposed to be fruitful we are supposed to be growing and actively doing the will of God.

The people of God are special we are chosen predestined. Ask God to pour His Spirit upon you and in you until you filled with the Holy Spirit. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is for everyone. I always want to encourage this because you need the Holy Spirit in you to do the work.

In whatever you desire to do actively seek God in prayer and in reading of His word. Saying prayers is not enough. Communicate with our God and Savior.

I could say a lot concerning make the most of your time and do the work now but I leave you with this.

Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity.-Colossians 4:5

But the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.-Daniel 11:32

Making the most of your time, because the days are evil- Eph 5:16

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Modesty Issue

"Modesty is a respectable manner of adorning one’s body and carrying oneself, born out of a freedom from a worldly definition of beauty and worth, and motivated by a hatred of sin and a desire to draw attention to God.........When it comes to the subject of modest clothing, the first question we should ask ourselves is: What am I trying to accomplish by what I wear?"

The topic of modesty is something I have decided to look at again and I am pushing for more than ever, especially when I survey the world and it's desires to make lust and pride our motivation for why we do things. As believers we are to be set a part and sometimes that means looking different but ultimately carrying ourselves different. My desire and ultimately God's desire is that as a body of believers we continue to teach and live Godly principles so the young ones, those who are young in faith, and the unsaved see that there is a better way for us to conduct ourselves. I believe that Luke Gilkerson did a wonderful job of writing about modesty in 6 steps. While his focus is mainly on females, males are not exempt


6 Marks of Biblical Modesty: How God Brings Sexy Back

  | Written by 
Modesty is a controversial topic, especially when you throw God into the mix. For some, they simply cannot fathom, amidst all the great injustices in the world, that God actually cares if a girl wears skin-tight pants with the word “Juicy” written on them.
But in the end, it is the Word of God that should drive our discussions about modesty. What has God revealed about it?

First and foremost, a biblical definition of modesty must focus on the heart. Modesty is primarily about our motivations. In addition, modest dress is also about discernment, having an awareness of others and our environment.

Modern Modesty Controversies

In a recent conversation, a woman I spoke with seemed deeply offended when I suggested a woman’s manner of dress could tempt a man to lust. She wasn’t denying the claim that men lust after women, but she was emphatic that women are not to blame for a man’s lustful thoughts and actions.
She’s right, of course. A person is never guilty of another person’s sin.
This woman’s protest is, in part, motivated by a desire to fight various rape myths in our culture. When a girl dresses scantily, goes to a college party, gets drunk, makes out with a dozen guys, and then is raped, for some there is a tendency to say, “Well, she was just asking for it.” This kind of victim blaming, sadly, leads some to temper any compassion for such women when they are abused.
Let’s be clear: victims of rape are not guilty of their rape. The girl who walks across campus at 2 a.m. and gets assaulted is not to blame for the crime committed against her. Similarly, victims of another’s lust do not thereby mean a woman is guilty of lust. She should never be made to account for another person’s sin.
Where then does modesty fit into the Christian ethic?

Paul on Modesty: 1 Timothy 2:8-10

I desire…that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works.
Christian women should concern themselves with modesty because the Bible does. This text is a primary example.
For the purposes of this article, I am writing about women because Paul is writing about women in these verses. I recognize that men should also embrace modesty.

1. Modesty is not anti-pretty

At the outset, we should take note that Paul is not anti-adornment. The force of his statement is positive: “women should adorn themselves.” These are not the words of an anti-fashion prude. The same word “adorn” is used to speak of a bride beautifying herself for her husband (Revelation 21:2). It is a term that expresses being ornamented, well-kempt, and put in order.
The question for Paul isn’t about whether a woman should ornament her body, but how.

2. Modesty is about who you worship

In the context, Paul is talking about how women should prepare themselves for gathering at church. Women are commanded to adorn themselves in a way that is fitting for worship. If they “profess godliness”—that is, they desire to show God honor and reverence—how should they dress?
Paul puts his finger on the trigger of the problem. In Ephesus, the original destination of this letter, the cultural elite were known for their gaudy and extravagant wardrobes, their elaborate hair styles, and their expensive clothing that communicated extraordinary wealth. Paul paints a picture of this for the Ephesians Christians and says, “Don’t mimic that. When you come to church, come dressed in a way that shows you desire to the attention to be on God, not yourself.”
A person’s manner of dress, or even their preoccupation with clothing itself (Matthew 6:28-30), is often indicative of a heart that loves self more than God.

3. Modesty is about behavior and attitude, not just clothing

When Paul says that women should wear “respectable apparel,” the term “apparel” is probably translated too narrowly: it is a term that encompasses not just clothing, but one’s whole demeanor, attitude, and actions.
Ultimately, what should adorn a woman is not just clothing but “good works.” As Christians, we are being remade by God for good works (Ephesians 2:10). Christ died so that we might be zealous for good works (Titus 2:14). Women should seek to dress their lives in works that do good to others, marked with godly love.
This means modesty is not simply about what we wear, but how we act, how we communicate, and how relate to others.

4. Modesty shows sensitivity to sin

In this text Paul says a woman’s apparel should be worn with “modesty.” Other translation opt for the word “decency.” The King James Version translates this “shamefacedness,” which gets more to the heart of the word.
It is talking about a demeanor of reverence, showing respect to oneself and a regard for others. It even carries the connotation of “bashful.” Connected to the term “shame,” the word implies the idea of grief over sin that is in the world—that a woman would be so sensitive to sin, knowing that sin is offensive to God, that she would never come close to trying to provoke it in others.
No, a woman is not guilty of a man’s lust if she dresses with the intention to allure him. Let him account for his sins. But she is guilty of a lack of shamefacedness, for treating sin lightly. A heart of modesty is motivated by a love for one’s fellow man.

5. Modesty involves cultural discretion

Paul didn’t just paint broad strokes when talking about modesty; he gave specifics. He said braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire were out of place for a truly modest woman.
Some knowledge of Roman culture is helpful for understanding what Paul is saying. In Paul’s day, Greek hairstyles for women were fairly simple: hair was parted in the middle and pinned in the back. But a culture change was sweeping the region. Women in the imperial household were wearing their hair with elaborate curls and braids, covered in expensive ornaments. The elite throughout the empire copied this style.
For Paul, the appearance of braids and ornaments was more about what the fashion communicated. They carried connotations of imperial luxury and conjured up images of notoriously immoral Empresses like Valeria Messalina and Poppeaea Sabina, ancient equivalents of Cosmopolitan cover girls.
The poet Juvenal, a contemporary of Paul, gives a vivid description of this cultural trend:
“There is nothing that a woman will not permit herself to do. Nothing that she deems shameful. And when she encircles her neck with green emeralds and fastens huge pearls to her elongated ears, so important is the business of beautification. So numerous are the tiers and stories piled one another on her head that she pays no attention to her own husband.”
Similarly, the philosopher Philo gives a description of a prostitute in his writing called “The Sacrifices of Cain and Abel”:
“A prostitute is often described as having hair dressed in elaborate braids, her eyes with pencil lines, her eyebrows smothered in paint and her expensive clothes embroidered lavishly with flowers and bracelets and necklaces of gold and jewels hanging all over her.”
Paul’s description of immodest dress conjured a picture of someone preoccupied with appearance, fashion, luxury, and sexual prowess. Similarly, modern modesty standards are not about arbitrary rules of how much skin is shown or how low-cut something is, but about the messages and values our clothing communicates.

6. Modesty is about true freedom, not repression

More often than not, modesty standards are seen as repressive, arbitrary rules that restrict a woman’s creativity and freedom. But when modesty is motivated from the heart, the exact opposite is true.
Paul says women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel with “self-control.” This might be better understood as “self-mastery,” being of sound mind or sober, being in control of one’s impulses and appetites. In extra-biblical literature, this word has sexual nuances: being able to totally control your romantic and erotic desires.
Immodesty is often, though not always, a kind of slavery. A woman may be enslaved by her desire to attract a man. She might define her worth by her fashion sense, her sex appeal, her image, her bust size, her weight, or the brand names she wears. This kind of slavery is widespread because sin impacts us all, and in today’s sexually charged, media-saturated culture, many women fall prey to this kind of slavery.
But as Christians we are free from the slavery of sin because we are united to Christ. Paul exhorts us to live out this freedom: “Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, to make you obey its passions” (Romans 6:12). When it comes to modest dress, we can follow Paul’s next statement quite literally: Do not present the members of your body to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present your members to God as instruments for righteousness (v.13). Paul wants Christian woman to have self-mastery in their wardrobe choices, to be totally free from worldly ways of defining worth, beauty, and sexiness.
Ironically, it is not just those who are scantily dressed that are enslaved, but even those who pride themselves on their modesty. “Modest is hottest,” they say, unaware that in their own hearts, they are still enslaved to a preoccupation with their physical image, still defining their worth by their outward adornment.

Defining Modesty

Taken together, these aspects of modesty help to give us a working definition. Modesty is a respectable manner of adorning one’s body and carrying oneself, born out of a freedom from a worldly definition of beauty and worth, and motivated by a hatred of sin and a desire to draw attention to God.  
When it comes to the subject of modest clothing, the first question we should ask ourselves is: What am I trying to accomplish by what I wear?

To check out my latest blog

Reasons Why Women Expose Themselves

An article I posted years ago but is still update with times unfortunately 9/21/06

By Dennis Prager  Feb 17, 2004

You may have noticed that many young women wear less, and more sexually provocative, clothing in public than they did a generation, or even 10 years, ago.

It is easier to notice, however, than to explain.
But explaining it is crucial to understanding what has happened to men and women in the last 40 years and where male-female relations are headed. Women exposing their bodies in public is a big deal. Playing with the sex drive, the most powerful force in nature, is far more dangerous than playing with fire. Even if one welcomes this development -- and for the record, as a male I am turned on, while as a man I am turned off -- it begs for explanation.
I will offer at least five reasons that may be less obvious but more important than the valid ones usually given -- peer pressure, women buy what stores sell and the sexual revolution.
The first is "equality."
By equality, I do not mean the belief that men and women are equal human beings, a belief that all decent people hold. Rather, I mean the feminist and politically correct definition of equality: sameness. Men and women have come to be regarded as the same, not simply as equals.
Thanks to feminist doctrines that pervade education from kindergarten through graduate school, men and women increasingly believe that the sexes are largely identical. Therefore, the arenas wherein women can feel and demonstrate their feminine distinctiveness have narrowed appreciably.
By showing more of their bodies, women can announce that they are women. There are other ways young women can publicly demonstrate their distinct female identity -- for example, by wearing feminine clothing and other feminine behavior, being a wife, being pregnant and being a mother.

But those ways are increasingly ignored, deferred and discredited. Among egalitarians, being a wife is no different a role than that of husband, and motherhood is no longer regarded as distinctively female. Husbands and fathers are supposed to play identical roles, and because of the movement for gay equality, mothers have been declared unnecessary -- two fathers, most well educated people now contend, are every bit as good for a child as a mother and a father. But children need both mother and father!!!!
So, for the young woman for whom marriage, pregnancy and motherhood are remote or even undesirable given the anti-traditional education she has received, her primary vehicle of proclaiming she is a woman is literally to expose the fact.

A second, related, reason is the death of femininity.
In the past, expressing one's femaleness was done through expressing femininity. In addition to the female roles of wife and mother, there were numerous ways of doing so. One was, of course, dress. But in the name of equality and comfort, distinctive female dress -- such as dresses and skirts -- has been largely abandoned. A young woman who wore a dress or even a skirt and blouse to a college, let alone high school, class would probably be considered stranger by her peers than one who wore a see-through top.

Today, instead of women wearing feminine clothing, they either wear essentially male clothing (such as pants and pants suits) or flesh-baring sexually provocative clothing. Feminine attire -- i.e., clothing that is very female but not very revealing -- is rare.

Femininity was also expressed by sexual reticence. Again, such a notion is laughable in much of contemporary society. The idea that a man made great efforts to be allowed sexual contact with a woman rendered women feminine in men's eyes. They are different from us -- they are feminine. Women who act as sexually available as a man -- through their behavior or their dress -- are not perceived as feminine, since they are perceived as being male-like.

Likewise, the myriad ways in which men treated women as women -- such as opening doors for them -- all declared that women were feminine, i.e., different from masculine. That is why many feminists opposed men opening doors for women -- it reinforced notions of femininity, a value that feminism has sought to extinguish.

So, femininity is largely a dead concept. Ask most young women -- or men -- what it means, and you will get either a blank stare or a hostile reaction.

Thus, many women are now saying: "I am a woman. And I will declare it in one of the only ways left to me -- I will show you my female body."

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Your Marriage Does Not Have to Fail......Making Your Marriage Last

In a world where marriage is declining and divorce and shacking up is increasing and acceptable, smh, it would seem that the Godly family structure is losing. Marriage does not have to fail and I believe it will not. We as Christian believers are to be examples of godly relationships and marriages. Marriage between a man and a woman is God ordained therefore when entered into the way God desires we won't fail, simply because we did it His way. This is a brief video to encourage people considering marriage, about to be married and for those who are already married....... Be encouraged

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Heart of Praise and Worship

Lord let your Glory fall like rain. Saturate us like never before. Let your Glory be revealed on the Earth through your vessels.

I’ve had such a struggle writing this blog. It was originally longer and I was going to give my testimony of how God called me at a young age to sing in the structure that we call Praise and Worship. Then give a tired list of what not to do and what to do. But instead I have decided to just get straight to the point and say what needs to be said in a simply way. Anyone who knows me knows it is a part of my calling that I do not take lightly and I always want to go deeper. I have gone deeper and I will go deeper and you can too.
Our main focus as leaders is to simply turn the focus of the people of God towards the throne room of heaven. Our praise and worship should be directly to Him and Him alone. When we minister to Him, we will minister to the people and they will want to praise and worship God; not so much because we are singing a good song but because the atmosphere has shifted and His presence has becomes tangible. I will tell you not everyone is aware of His presence and they may simply be looking for entertainment from the team. Do not be discouraged; do what you know God has called and given you to do. One day they may see with spiritual eyes.
There are some individuals who solely use the platform of a praise and worship leader as means to display their talent. We thank God for the talent but praise and worship is not the place to show off for people. It’s sickening and anyone with Holy Spirit discernment can smell you from a mile away. Singers and musicians should be able to sing and play their instruments skillfully but it has to do with so much more than a skillful sound when played to the Lord. I do believe all singers and musicians should invest in their gift and receive some sort of training. God anoints and uses His vessels who have committed their talents and gifts to Him. So again I say it is not simply a place to display talent but a call. Truthfully, we are all called to bless the Lord so don’t think you need to be on stage. Your worship is just as important during the service even if you can’t sing. Sing from your chair like you are in the Throne room…lol….
There is a difference between those who are anointed and those who are just talented. Trust me, talent fails, but when God is involved He gets the glory and does things that we can only imagine in praise and worship……..Then you laugh and you’re like thanks for the reminder God that you didn’t call me for my talent alone and that sometimes we forget to rely on You even when we want to bless You………. Your sound becomes distinct from all others and oh how God loves that sound. It is hard to explain but I know what it is. It is God's presence in the vessel Spirit manifested upon those who are filled with the Holy Spirit. God gives us what we have so we can give it back to Him and He anoints and blesses what we are.
The anointing is not from individuals but from God. This is something that He does. It comes from being with Him in His presence; spending time in his word. “Worship Leaders, your spiritual preparation is your most important preparation. Don’t neglect it” .Yes true He is always present, but being in His presence during worship and prayer that requires you to stop all that you are doing is different. It is intimate. It’s almost as time stops. To the one who has not been in the presence of God this may sound bizarre or mystical, but it’s not. God actually wants to have fellowship with us. It is why He made us. This fellowship is obtainable to all who have given their lives to Jesus. We can have as much of God as we want. And there is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much to be given to us.
I feel like God really loves music. All they do in heaven is praise God day and night and day and night. It’s all they do!!! They have harps and the harp is not an easy instrument lol…. But seriously God is to be exalted above all else. I know as praise and worship leaders we are to follow the scene of heaven. Obviously because we are human we cannot worship day and night. But our lifestyles should speak of His greatness and when we are ministering in worship; our adoration should be to Him. Sing to Him a new song! Sing spontaneously! Sometimes the song you didn’t plan or write are the best ones. God loves to hear us and we should love singing and playing before Him!
A long time ago…. Ok like 5yrs ago I use to be concerned with people not praising and worshipping God in the service. I knew I didn’t want to be one of those leaders who sang the fake Hallelujah to stir the atmosphere- lol ya’ll know the one LOL. But I wanted to create an atmosphere for God to move. I did not understand what I prayed for but it was just burning in me that God always wants to do more. I was instructed to just bless God and to forget about the people. This is not to say that you ignore your audience’s needs because I know God will give you words to sing for times and moments which cause you to effectively minster. The people have to have a heart for God also. Sometimes the people in our pews really just don’t know what to do or have so many issues that their flesh blinds them of what is happening. Distractions can also happen if your team is not on the same spiritual page or has no desire to go deeper. There has to be unity with your team. In the past I would be asked why do you only let certain people and musicians sing and play with you. My response was because there is unity in the Spirit with us, and because they always come prepared to minister to God. And if they were out of place they were removed. I never had to kick anyone off a team but they were removed. God will not let anyone steal His Glory. He will not share it but He will pour it out on humble vessels. Ugh He’s so crazy good.
I was about 13 when the anointing of God manifested in my life through singing and I was given this verse and it changed the way I sang before Him. Even though I did not remember it until I was about  15 or 16 nor sought for it until that time
11When the priests came forth from the holy place (for all the priests who were present had sanctified themselves, without regard to divisions),
12 and all the Levitical singers, Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun, and their sons and kinsmen, clothed in fine linen, with cymbals, harps and lyres, standing east of the altar, and with them one hundred and twenty priests blowing trumpets
13 in unison when the trumpeters and the singers were to make themselves heard with one voice to praise and to glorify the Lord, and when they lifted up their voice accompanied by trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and when they praised the Lord saying, “He indeed is good for His lovingkindness is everlasting,” then the house, the house of the Lord, was filled with a cloud,
14 so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the house of God. 2 Chronicles 5:11-14
Our purpose as praise and worship leaders is for the Glory of God to fill our places of worship so that lives can be changed, people be saved from their sin, signs, wonders and whatever else God wants to do. Our praise and our worship is powerful not because we are good at it but because He is good and we get to declare His goodness. Every time we open our mouth and every time we lay a hand on an instrument it should be so that His Glory, Jesus, will be revealed in us so that others can encounter God like never before. This is not to say that every time God manifest Himself He will show up the same way. Don’t be disappointed if the whole congregation isn’t slain every Sunday or whenever you are leading praise and worship. We are there to set the atmosphere, period. How God wants to show up is not up to us but we should minister with the expectation that He is going to do something great, and He will. Setting the atmosphere is not only for the people who are on stage, have the mic or whatever; this call is for everyone. While the singers are singing I believe the people should be praying. The singers should even be praying. There is nothing like a song sang prayerful or with understanding.
I can go on and on give you a bunch of scriptures and share a whole lot of experiences but I will stop lol…………. Just know Praise and worship is not about you- it’s about our great and mighty God. Our worship should be on earth as it is in heaven. Leading Praise and Worship is a call not a talent or a good idea. We bless God for your structure, structure is good but allow God to wreck your program. There must be unity….. And ultimately GOD WANTS TO POUR HIMSELF OUT ON US AND TAKE US DEEPER.

This is one of my favorite worship songs from 2 Chronicles 5:11-14

Just another song I love that reminds us of our purpose!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Discernment is God’s call to intercession, never to faultfinding

“Discernment is God’s call to intercession, never to faultfinding”.-Corrie Ten Boom.  

This quote struck a chord in my heart this afternoon so I had to write. I’m not even finished the blog I was supposed to be writing lol. This is a lil piece on discernments proper use. The very condensed version lol.

God’s plan for gifts was not for us to use them for our selfish benefits. His plan is that we as a body use our gifts for the Glory of His name, the building of His Church, and the destruction of the forces of evil.  After one receives the Baptism of the Holy Spirit the working of the gifts from the Holy Spirit should follow. I believe sometimes even before you receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit some of your gifts are at work just not on a complete level. This is not say that you do not need the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. You need the Baptism of the Holy Spirit to operate fully. I mean why wouldn't you want His spirit poured our on you and in you. Why limit what God has for you. If you don’t have the Baptism of Spirit seek God He will give Him freely. My hope is that those who are reading have already been baptized by the Holy Spirit. My purpose for writing is to encourage you as a Spirit filled believer to use your gifts properly; especially discernment/prophecy. 

In 1Corinthians 12:8-10 Paul lays out what some of the gifts of the Spirit are
8 For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, and to another the word of knowledge according to the same Spirit; 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, 10 and to another the effecting of miracles, and to another prophecy, and to another the distinguishing of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, and to another the interpretation of tongues.Paul reminds us the Gifts of the Spirit are all from the same Holy Spirit and if they are from the same spirit they should work in the same Spirit and not against each other. With the gift of Discernment (distinguishing of spirits)/Prophecy you have to be careful. I put the two together because you will find they work together. Discernment is the ability to be able to perceive or see of what spirit a person or thing is acting under; is it genuine or of false pretense, of God or not of God. 1Thesssalonians 5:21 21But examine everything (use judgment) carefully; hold fast to that which is good. Prophecy is not just telling the future but being able to proclaim the Word of God from His written word or from His mouth. You will not always hear an audible voice. He will just use your voice to speak. Both of these gifts go together.

There are pitfalls with these two gifts because of the flesh. People will use their gift to find fault, expose an individual, or to glorify themselves. The person may feel the urge to feel right. When God gives revelation concerning a matter it is not so one can expose and have the upper hand; even though, sometimes it is for public exposure. There is a difference between making judgments and condemning. When God gives a word concerning a person’s spirit, disposition, or whatever one should not automatically jump up and proclaim it or gossip about it with others. God gives insight to strengthen not to tear down. You must ask Him what to do with what has been given. He does not always want you to confront an issue by going to the person and telling them how bad they are doing or how blessed they are. Most of the time all He wants you to do is pray. And through prayer He will direct you and guide you through the matter if necessary. Or maybe He wants you to confront the person but beware of how to approach them; But he who is spiritual appraises all things…1 Corinthians 2:15. Consulting someone who is of a mature faith is extremely helpful. God definitely uses more than one person, at the same time or on different occasions, to speak His truth.

 I have seen instances where God had given a person insight and their first instinct was to run and tell the person. The person was not ready to receive the Word from God and pretty much told the word barer to shove it. When dealing with people you have to pray about the matter. Sometimes God answers on the spot and other times He wants to prepare their heart as He prepares your heart to trust Him to give you the words to say. Other times the person will not receive it just because of the issues in their hearts. It could also be these people are not spiritually mature so they will not receive you and who you are. I ask that when I am present I need not be bold with the confidence with which I propose to be courageous against some, who regard us as if we walked according to the flesh.”- 2Cornithians 10:2. You do not have to prove anything to anyone. If they do not receive what the Lord is saying pray and continue in ministry as instructed.

Praying that God removes a person should only be done if there is an actual hindrance and that person won’t let go of it. And if they are a hindrance to ministry don’t worry about it God will remove them. You should never feel the need to move a person when God reveals something to you; especially if they are like your pastor or boss lol. This has to be discerned properly, it is why prayer is soooooo important. In extreme cases there are issues that have to be dealt with immediately, but the Holy Spirit will let you know what to do in those cases and how to act upon it immediately. God will also put a person in your life to see how you will react and to weed out any issues you may have. He wants you to pray for that person and not against. And like I said He will remove the hindrance one way or another; just make sure you are not the hindrance. God does not need our help He chooses to use us for His glory.

If a person has a mature understanding of their gift it hurts to see others not receive what God has given you to bless and help them. Prayer will make you able to withstand the hurt and not dwell on the situation and still pray for the people. That is why I cannot understand why a prophet would rejoice in the failures of brothers and sisters in Christ. It’s like really, you’re happy that you were right about that person’s secret drug habit and happy you kicked this person out of the ministry (this is hypothetical lol) what did that accomplish? How is the Kingdom God built up? Our gifts should always be used for God's glory and the building of His Kingdom.

Having the gift of discernment/prophecy can also be a weakness, especially in relationships. Be prayerful when engaging in a relationship with opposite sex (really all people) so that you can guard your heart. What you see for their future may not be where they are at and they could probably do more damage to you. Yes look at what they will be, but also where they now spiritually. Are they giving themselves to God or are they just doing whatever. I just thought I throw that in there. You do not want to be taken advantage of for your compassion and concern.

Pray pray pray pray read read read pray fast fast fast pray and read. I cannot say it enough. With any gifting you must cultivate it through prayer fasting and reading first. In these last days it is important God’s people have spiritual discernment. Satan is a copycat and is good at it because he always makes a mockery of the things and people of God. And I hate him and what he does with a passion. The Church has to be aware of his devices and be able to discern his presence. I’ll give you a clue he is usually in the Church services lol. I have seen to many times where the people of God thought it was the Spirit of God and it was some other unclean spirit e.g. workings of the flesh or demons. It was painful to watch the people of God entertain it, “worship” with it or just didn’t care. In those situations all you can do is pray and cast it out which is what we should be doing any way. We need discernment not so we can be special but so we can fight this spiritual war. Our war is not with people, especially not the people of God. Our war is with the forces of Satan and his demons. During these last days we are going to see many things attempt to come against the people of God. We have to pray and be focused so that we will not be deceived. Keep the altars of prayer open in your life. Be diligent be sober minded. Intercede when God gives you insight. Prayer is a weapon against hell and the things that oppose God. If Satan can keep you from praying than he has won victory over you. And you let him. Satan wants us to gossip and tear down our bothers and sisters. Repent. Satan hates us and we should hate him. So let us counteract the powers of hell by praying always 1Thes 5:17. Prayer, Unity,Holy Ghost power, spiritual insight.

3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, 4 for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, 6 and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete. 
2Corinthians 10:3-6

Ok I am done…… sort of….. but I’ll stop here